Monday, January 18, 2010

A Sunday Outing

Yesterday was a long, but greatly fun day! It was the first day since Little Girl was born when I spent the entire day (ok, from 10 am until 10 pm) away from her. I knew she was in good hands (Hubby is an AMAZING daddy!), but it was hard for me anyway. I probably wouldn't have agreed to a full day away if it hadn't have been such an truly fabulous opportunity! But it was, and I did, and I am so glad!!
One of my best friends is opening a bridal boutique in Lancaster, PA. If you are in the area and are looking for a wedding dress, or gowns for your party, you must head to In White. The shop is beautiful, the gowns are exquisite, the atmosphere is sophisticated yet relaxed, and the variety is top notch. Yesterday was a bridal showcase in Lancaster, and I was lucky enough to be there to help "man" the booth and work the fashion show. (Backstage. I am NOT a model. The models were wonderful!) Having lots of experience in stage management and retail, this was such a fun experience for me! I had gone to one bridal show when I was planning my wedding, but I have to say that I had a better time as a vendor than I did as a bride. I loved getting to meet so many people, and getting to encourage people to visit a shop where they would find amazing gowns and fabulous service. And the fashion show was a blast! I love being backstage and helping make sure that things happen smoothly.
All in all, it was a great day. And, to top it off, my friends welcomed me to their home for family dinner to celebrate. Me being me, I did not show up empty handed. I brought what I always bring - dessert. (I don't always bring the same dessert, but I do always bring dessert!) I made a layer cake - yellow cake with chocolate raspberry jam filling. I was getting ready to make my chocolate frosting when I realized that we were celebrating In White, so the cake had to be... in white! Sorry there are no pictures, but it was late when I finished baking, and it wound up a little lopsided. But it tasted really good!

1 comment:

  1. That is looking really delicious dear. Chinese food is so delicious that everyone loves eating Chinese food. My kids just love it and usually we have weekend dinner at local restaurants and venues that serve best Chinese food. Well, I like traditional food the most.
